Annual Coterie Gala

Event Details

Fifth Annual Coterie Gala with Silent Auction
Celebrating the Year of the Golden Rat 金鼠
Saturday, February 22, 2020, Jasmine Chinese Seafood Restaurant
(4609 Convoy Street, off Balboa).
– cash bar at 6 p.m.; dinner served at 6:30 p.m. 


  1.  Peking Duck 北京片皮鴨
  2. Walnut Shrimp 西汁合桃蝦
  3. Pepper Steak with Asparagus 黑椒芦笋士的球
  4. House Special Chicken 大漠風沙雞
  5. Sweet and Sour Pork 酸甜咕噜肉
  6. Green bean in Garlic Sauce 蒜茸四季豆
  7. Pan Fried Fish Fillet 香油泡班球
  8. Vegetarian Fried Rice 素什菜炒飯
  9. Dessert 合時甜品

    Complimentary ice water and Chinese tea.  Alternate menus (e.g. no red meat, no meat, vegan etc.) are available with reservation for every 10 people.  Specify your dietary preference in the reservation.

Reservation before Tuesday, February 11 (orchestra) and Friday, February 14 (choir):
$42 per person (seated in tables of ten);
$450 per table (of ten, no mix of guests);
$150 per person for head table (complimentary wine and champagne).

 Reservation after Friday, February 14 (if seats are still available):
$45 per person; $465 per table;  $175 per person for head table.

All seats must be reserved in advance – no walk-ins.

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You can sponsor a table of ten for $450.  People you invite and those who wish to sit at your table can pay you directly @ $42 (or $45) each.  The additional $30 goes to support members who wish for a subsidized seat so that everyone can be included.  You can also pay your $42 ticket and give an additional donation to help other members to attend.

I                                                  am happy to pay in full:

Number of seats  ____  @ $42 per person; ____  @ $150 per person for head table; ____  @ $450 per table

I                                                 would love to attend with a discount:

Number of seats ____  @ $20 per member; accompanying family/significant other ____ @ $30 per person

I would love to support more members to attend the dinner with a donation: $                   

TOTAL:           $              Please have check made payable to GREATER SAN DIEGO MUSIC COTERIE.  Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.

Andrew Garrett

Author: Andrew Garrett

Full Stack Web Developer | Double Bassist | Baritone Vocalist

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